Business Overview

Kohkin Chemical's Approach to Food Security

Kohkin Chemical specializes in the manufacture and distribution of feed additives and pharmaceutical products for livestock animals such as poultry, swine, and cattle as well as aquatic animals. We have a long history of business growth in the livestock and fishery industries and now hold a significant and stable market share as a leading manufacturer of feed additives in Japan.
As a company playing a role in the food chain, we take four approaches to realize the stable supply of products that always meet our customers' expectations. These four approaches are keys to the growth and development of Kohkin Chemical.


Searching for Next-generation Materials
As consumers now increasingly prefer natural sources due to growing concerns about the safety and quality of chemical products, Kohkin Chemical has been focusing on developing natural products and items derived from such natural products into products that can replace chemical products. To date, we have delivered several such products to market, including "Color Up," an egg yolk coloring agent, and "Ropadiar Powder," an oregano extract preparation.
As our answer to the recent global problem of antimicrobial resistance, Kohkin Chemical is among the first to have focused on products that can replace antibiotics. It has been advancing the development and commercialization of functional preparations and probiotics.
In addition to these in-house development activities, we are also active in collaborative product development with other companies both in Japan and overseas to deliver as many useful new products to the next generation as possible.




Procurement of High-quality Raw Materials
We have to be constantly aware of every change that occurs in relation to raw materials in order to ensure the stable procurement of high-quality raw materials. We have an office in China, where many raw materials come from, so that we can always share the latest local information and promptly take necessary actions as the situation changes.
In addition, when we procure a new raw material, our staff visit the supplier to explain our quality control efforts and develop mutual understanding and trust. This is how we ensure the stable supply of a wide variety of raw materials.


Efficient Production Management
We manufacture approximately 1,000 types of our main products, feed additives PREMIX and formula feed, as these each have different compositions depending on customers. Efficient production plans are required to ensure the stable supply of such a wide variety of products.
Therefore, our Mie and Kyushu plants share manufacturing efforts in accordance with product types and delivery destinations. Moreover, our plants use an advanced production management system to ensure that our production activities from receipt to delivery of orders are carried out in an efficient and deliberate manner.
  • 高品質な製品の安定供給
  • 高品質な製品の安定供給



Supporting Evidence for Security
Our products contain active ingredients and various other ingredients, such as excipients and raw materials derived from natural sources. Our laboratories specify analytical instruments, analytical procedures, and control criteria for different ingredients, and carry out properly controlled analyses. Our quality control system is GMP-certified.
With the help of public institutions and the like, we have also repeatedly conducted field tests, which are essential for confirming the efficacy and safety of products.

※GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice, which is based on an international standard for quality control management set by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

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